Cellular Phone Forensics
This is a broad term to describe a new and growing sub-sector of computer forensics. We are moving into mobile society and the days of everyone having a desktop PC have now also passed even a laptop in every home. Consumers are opting for tablets, tablet hybrids, or oversized smart phones.
We offer cellular forensic service to private clients, lawyers, and law enforcement. We can process a cell phone, smart phone, tablets and other handheld devices like garmin GPS units. The recovered and extracted data is then sifted and gone over by an analyst to determine if anything fits into your needs for the particular case. We still provide a un-filter data report of everything recovered from the device for clients to examine themselves. It is a forensically sound recover of cell phone data and will stand up in court with our certified and experience examiners to assist you. Do NOT be fooled by services or the USB recovery sticks you see online.
Are you a parent concerned about what you kids are doing on a smart phone? Are you a spouse with concerns over a possible cheating spouse? Are you a business or large corporation and have legal liabilities because of what an employee is doing with a company phone?
The data recovered is a treasure chest of intelligence.
When Every Byte of Data Matters.
We operate out of Indianapolis, IN and Fort Wayne, IN and are a division of Michael Budenz & Associates - Private Investigations.
Our experience in investigations gives us insight into what recovered evidence from a cell phone could mean to you. Doesn't matter if it is infidelity, a criminal matter, protecting our children or preventing misuse of equipment in the work place. Our service will give you the answers and information you didn't even know about.